
Name: Yanyan Liu

Gender: Female

Job title: Senior Experimentalist

Email Address: liuyany228@163.com

Education and Work Experience

1993.07 -- present: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Chemical Engineering, Chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories, engaged in teaching and research work.

2006.03~2008.06: Nanchang University, Master's degree, Environmental Engineering

2001.09~2004.07: Nanchang University, Bachelor degree

1993.09~1996.07: Nanchang University, College degree

1991.09~1993.07: Jiangxi Chemical Engineering School, technical secondary education

Teaching1) Development of fine chemical product; 2) Chemical and pharmaceutical experimental teaching. Including: Chemical engineering and technology specialty experiment (chemical engineering), Specialty experiment (fine chemical industry), Pharmaceutical engineering specialty experiment, Chemical pharmaceutical comprehensive experiment, Chinese medicine pharmaceutical comprehensive experiment.

Research fields:

Research projects

1 Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education Project, Research on the Curriculum System Reform of Chemical Engineering and Technology Majors, Funding 20000 yuan, 2005.1-2007.12.

2 Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education Project, Research on the Curriculum System Reform of Chemical Engineering and Technology Majors, Funding 1000 yuan, 2005.1-2007.12.

3 Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education Project, Experimental Reform of Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty Based on the Purpose of Cultivating Pharmaceutical Engineers, Funding 2000 yuan, 2010.1-2012.12.

4 Development of waterborne polyurethane adhesive, Funding 100000 yuan, 2011.1-2011.12.

5 Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education Project, Preparation of Nano-silica by Sulfuric Acid Method and Its Application in Coatings, Funding 20000 yuan, 2002.1-2003.12.

Awards and Honors

Representative papers and patents

1 Yanyan Liu, Hailong Peng, Jianguo Zhou, Improvement of Experimental Assessment System for Pharmaceutical Engineering Majors Assisted by Inventory Revolution, Higher Education in Chemical Engineering, 2013, 3, 43-47

2 Yanyan Liu, Hailong Peng, Jianguo Zhou, Analysis of Student Questionnaire Survey in Pharmaceutical Engineering Experimental Teaching, Experiment Science and Technology, 2013, 4, 119-124

3 Yanyan Liu, Hailong Peng, Jianguo Zhou, Expectations for the Reform of Experimental Courses in Pharmaceutical Engineering, Jiangxi Chemical Industry, 2012, 5, 89-91

4 Liu, Yanyan ; Zhang, Wenlong. Study on the membrane flux of membrane reactor and fouling control of PVA membrane, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 356, 133-137,

5 Liu, Yanyan; Zheng, Dianmo. Research on preparation, characterization of novel nano-ZnO, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 313, 549-554.

6 Liu, Yanyan; Tian, Jianwen; Zhang, Wenlong. High-efficiency modified alkyd resin application research, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 284, 2077-2081

7 Liu, Yan-Yan; Wang, Yan-Feng; Yang, Jun-Qing; Zhou, Ye. Scenario analysis of carbon emissions in jiangxi transportation industry based on LEAP model, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 68, 637-642.

8 Yanyan Liu, Wenlong Zhang, Study on the removal efficiency of PVA membrane bioreactor. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009,32(8):169-171.

9 Wenlong Zhang, Yanyan Liu, Preparation of Porous Spherical Hydroxyapatite by Calcium Carbonate Phosphorylation Process. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2006,6(1):37-41.