
Name: Guo Ying

Gender: Female

Job title: Associate Professor

Email Address: guoying@mofangziyuan.com

Education and Work Experience

2005.07 -- present: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Associate Professor.

2000.09~2005.07: Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctoral degree.

1996.09~2000.07: Nanchang University, Bachelor’s degree.


Teaching courses: "Organic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry Experiment"etc.Editor-in-chief or co-editor of textbooks: "Organic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry Experimentand "Chemistry Creates a Better Life" .

Topic manager of two provincial-level educational reform projects for higher education institutions in Jiangxi Province.

Lecture of National first-class undergraduate courses and first-class undergraduate courses in Jiangxi Province.

Research fields:

Natural product analysisstoichiometric methods, food safety and analytical applications, especially in the application of stoichiometric in food.

Research projects

Awards and Honors

Representative papers and patents

(1)Ying Guo, Yong nian Ni , and Serge Kokot. Evaluation of chemical components and properties of the jujube fruitusing near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2016,53: 79-86.

(2) Ying Guo, Yongnian Ni*, Jinfeng Chen and Serge Kokot. A kinetic

spectro- fluorometric method, aided by chemometrics, for the analysis of sibutramine, indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide compounds found in weight-reducing tonic samples.Anal.Methods, 2016,8:197-204.

(3)Xiaoxiao Ding, Ying Guo, Yongnian Ni*, Serge Kokot. A novel NlR spectroscopic method for rapid analyses oflycopene, total acid, sugar, phenols and antioxidant activity in dehydrated tomato samples. Vibrational Spectroscopy,2016,82:1—9.