
Name: Feiyan Wu

Gender: Female

Job title: Associate professor

Email Address: feiywu@mofangziyuan.com

Education and Work Experience

2006.04-present: Nanchang University, assistant/lecturer/associate professor, master supervisor

1999.09-2003.07 Nanchang University, Bachelor degree

2003.09-2006.03 Zhejiang University, Master degree

2009.09-2013.12 Nanchang University, Doctor degree

2016.11-2017.11 California State University, USA, Visiting Scholar

TeachingMainly engaged in the course teaching for chemistry and related majors, such as "Functional polymers", "College Chemistry", "Experiment of College Chemistry", "Experiment of Instrument Analysis" and so on.

Research fields: The design and synthesis of organic/polymer semiconductor materials and their applications in organic photovoltaics and organic thermoelectric, devices preparation of organic solar cells and organic thermoelectrics. More than 40 academic papers were published and 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation were received.

Research projectsNational Natural Science Foundation of China (22169012), 350,000, 2022.1-2025.12, project director.

National Natural Science Foundation of China (21402080), 250,000, 2015.1-2017.12, project director.

Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20151BAB216011), 50,000 (Conclusion), project director.

Awards and Honors

Representative papers and patents

1) Feiyan Wu* et al., Facilely Full-end-capping Engineering Promotes High-Performance Organic Solar Cells with Simultaneously Improved Efficiency and Stability, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 457, 141343.

2) Feiyan Wu* et al., The recent development of n-type organic thermoelectric materials: focus on the influence of structure modification on molecule arrangement and solution processing. ChemSusChem, 2022, 15, e立博02420.

3) Feiyan Wu* et al., Layer-by-layer and non-halogenated solvent processing of benzodithiophene-free simple polymer donors for organic solar cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 443, 136515.

4) Feiyan Wu* et al., Random Copolymerization Strategy for Host Polymer Donor PM6 Enables Improved Efficiency Both in Binary and Ternary Organic Solar Cells. ChemSusChem, 2022, 15, e202200138.

5) Feiyan Wu* et al., Non-conjugated terpolymer acceptors for highly efficient and stable lager-area all-polymer solar cells. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 71, 631-638.

6) Feiyan Wu* et al., Exploiting Novel Unfused-Ring Acceptor for Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Record Open-Circuit Voltage and Fill Factor. ChemSusChem, 2022, 15, e立博02563.

7) Feiyan Wu* et al., Novel Efficient Accptor1-Acceptor2 Type Copolymer Donors: Vinyl Induced Planar Geometry and High Performance Organic Solar Cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 立博, 129532.

8) Feiyan Wu et al., Thick polyfluorene-based polyelectrolytes realized by regulation of conjugated backbone as cathode interface layers for efficient polymer solar cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 423, 26-33.